Just blogging about my 20's: my job(s), education, relationship, friendships, and good ole' times :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My 23rd Birthday

So I finally turned 23! I stayed up until midnight and Alex did as well so he could be the first to wish me a happy birthday! That day I had to work but my friend/co-worker brought me pumpkin coffee from Starbucks and made me a really cute gift. I brought red velvet cake for everyone to eat. After work the family and I went to dinner at Old Chicago. Afterwards, we ate my beautiful Tinkerbell cake (pics posted soon). Ryann and John got me oreos and a HUGE jar of peanut butter and pumpkin coffee from Starbucks. My mom got me a gift card for eBay and Andrea got me the Disney version of Apples to Apples and my dad got me a gift card to Walmart.

Saturday is when Alex wanted to celebrate my birthday. He said I'd be getting gifts one by one throughout the weekend, not all at once. When he picked me up on my seat there was a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and a beautiful card with a Starbucks gift card in it. We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We got FIVE slices of cheesecake to go. He got red velvet and brownie sundae, I got carrot and apple, and we got Reeses' for his roommate. After dinner we went to his house and watched some Gabriel Iglesias. Then he wanted us to go to his friend Steve's house 'cause he got some more new furniture to show us. We walked in the house and I saw balloons and a Happy Birthday sign and streamers and people...he threw me a surprise party!! I was so shocked! It was such a nice night consisting of drinks, poker, and a bad movie, lol. I loved it all! Later that night he gave me another gift which was Katy Perry's new cd I wanted. On Sunday we spent the day watching football and eating cheesecake. My other gifts were a waffle iron and a gift card for sunglasses. I love him :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"The Concrete Is Comfy, Too!"

My weekend technically started Thursday night. That morning I went grocery shopping to make dinner for Kendra and I. We decided to eat at my sister's apartment. I made turkey burgers, baked beans, fruit, and a delicious buffalo chicken dip. We were looking at recipe books and got a craving for s'mores, so we went and bought stuff to make them. Yum! I had been wanting to make a cheesecake for awhile and I had the stuff to make it. I was up super late but not quite tired so at about 3 in the morning I got the bright idea to make my cheesecake. It was reese's flavored and I added pieces of the candy and drizzled chocolate syrup ontop. Mmm Mmm!

I took Friday off and did a whole lot of nothing. Mine and Alex's plans got cancelled due to miscommunication which sucked but turned out okay 'cause we were both very tired. I went to bed at 7:30!!

Saturday morning I woke up early to make more buffalo chicken dip for Alex's party and get ready. We went to the AMC at Arrowhead to see Inception with Anthony and his sister Andrea. AWESOME MOVIE!! Afterwards we looked in Puma real quick, went to get Alex's car washed, went to Total Wine then got lunch. He got Chipotle and I got Chik-Fil-A, our favorites. We watched some tv while we ate and I took a power nap before the party. The party was so much fun. Alex and I were the first to get drunk and pass out and from what I was told it was pretty early lol! We spent probably a good hour in the bathroom together passed out/puking (on his end lol). On Sunday we still felt sick so we slept in a bit and got pizza and watched The Fifth Element.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Century Circle

This past week was full of fun events. Thursday night Alex and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings before going to the midnight showing of Predators. We were even the first in line! The movie was great but I was sooo exhausted the next day. Saturday I went shopping for some plants and soil but got some fruit also, all for under $7!! I put the plants in the front yard, watered the lawn and cleaned the kitchen before trying to take a nap, which didn't work out, lol. When I woke up I got ready to go to The Spaghetti Factory with Alex for our 1-year dinner. It was yummy! I had chicken penne and he had spaghetti with clam sauce. We got free sherbet for dessert. After dinner we went to Steve's house for Century Circle. Basically, what it is is you get a group of people and you need shot glasses and somebody to keep track of the time. Every minute, each person has to take a shot of beer. The goal is to make it to 100 minutes. It's definitely not as simple as it sounds, lol. The next morning we all went to IHOP. Afterwards I came home and did a whole lot of nothin!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

*4th of July Weekend*

Saturday was the start of my much-needed 3-day weekend. Alex had a party at his house that night and it was soooo much fun. We watched the UFC fight, ate yummy food, played beer pong, UNO, took shots, smoked hookah, etc. Everybody had a great time.

July 4th was finally here. I was anticipating it so much because not only is it my favorite holiday, it was mine and Alex's 1 year anniversary!!! On Friday after work I came home to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He is so sweet!!! On Sunday we slept in then headed over to Kris's grandparents' house for a bbq. They had amazing food: ribs, burgers, pasta/potato salad, corn on the cob, watermelon, chips, etc. For dessert there was kahlua cake and brownies and ice cream. Yum! There was also the option to swim but Alex and I were exhausted from the day/night before. We then went back to his place and watched Predator since I hadn't seen it and the new one comes out this week. After the movie we went over to Steve and Dessie's for more bbqing and fireworks. We were gonna play poker but everybody was too tired, lol.

Monday was so fun! We had planned to have our anniversary dinner that night but planned it for next weekend so we didn't have to worry about cutting it short in order to get enough sleep for work the next day. We slept in then woke up, got Pei Wei for lunch which was delicious. While we ate we watched Law Abiding Citizen. I had been wanting him to see it for awhile so he finally got to see it. After that movie, we watched Paul Blart to kill time before going to see Toy Story 3 with Anthony and Annalise. Before leaving we opened our anniversary gifts. I made him a shadow box with pictures of us from our first year together, 2 candles and some snack foods and a cute card. He got me a BEAUTIFUL necklace that was his grandmother's (which almost brought me to tears) and a frame set to put new pictures of us in. I LOVED my gifts. I feel so lucky to have found someone that I love with all my heart and who loves me in return unconditionally. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us but for now we are just living in the moment and enjoying being happy with each other.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Poker Face

Last Saturday, Ally was kind of bummed that she didn't have anything to give my dad for Father's Day. I decided to go to the store to get something for her to give him. She mentioned wanting to bake him a cake, so I got her a cake mix and frosting. I helped her get set up but besides putting it in the oven she did it all by herself.

That night I hung out with Alex a bit before the barbecue at his friend Steve's house. We watched some 24 and he played a video game. The barbecue was fun. I learned how to play Texas Hold Em and even won!! It was such a fun night.

Sunday I went with my dad and Ally to see Toy Story 3. Afterwards, we went home and relexed for a bit. I had to take a quick nap because I didn't sleep much the night before. For dinner we went to Cracker Barrell and had great food and had fun in the gift shop area. At home we watched Remember the Titans then went to bed. It was a great weekend.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Date Night

On Friday after work, I was soooo excited to see my Alex. I usually only see him on weekends most of the time so it was nice being at work with something to look forward to at the end of the day. We went to his house and watched some basketball then went to the movies. We each got a white castle burger and Dr. Pepper. We saw Get Him to the Greek. It was HILARIOUS. We had such a fun time and plan on having these date nights more often. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun Weekend

This past Friday was the first time I'd seen Alex in a couple weeks, due to him being sick, poor thing. He picked me up after work and we went to his dad's house. His dad and stepmom went out of town so he'd been house-sitting and dog-sitting for them. It was nice having a place to ourselves. While contemplating what to have for dinner, I saw a brochure for JoJo's pizza and that's my family's favorite pizza. We only eat there once in awhile since they're far from us but they were close to Alex's dad's house. He'd never had it before so I recommended it. He got this "white pizza" and LOVED it. I was so glad. His best friend and his fiance later came over. We ate our pizza and they ate McDonald's. After we ate, we watched a movie called "Brothers" that they brought over. It was okay, just strange.

The next morning, Alex and I hung out before I had to go home. We had an amazing time together and I missed him as soon as I got home.

My mom and Ally were coming into town Saturday afternoon so my dad and I picked up Ryann and Ellie then went to the airport. After we picked them up, we went to dinner at Old Chicago. Afterward, Ally and I went to Ryann's apartment. We watched Glee, played bowling on Wii, watched movies and snacked.

Yesterday morning I went home and we hung out and cleaned. Ally and I went swimming and baked chocolate chunk cookies. Then we went to Ryann's to show my mom her mother's day gift from Ellie and to just hang out. Afterward, we all went back to my house for yummy Mexican food. It was a fun weekend. :)